We represent our members with professionalism, passion and pride.
We partner with local businesses and communities for everyone's benefit.
We celebrate the economic and social benefits our members deliver to the community.
We advocate for sensible and fair regulation of the packaged liquor industry.

LSAWA is proudly supported by

Latest News

FRESH PODCAST | Meet WA’s best young insurance broker

The Liquor Stores Association of WA and Aviso WA Insurance Brokers have joined forces to offer industry members better value for independent store owners. Aviso ...
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HAVE YOUR SAY | Members Forum and Sundowner on the Swan

The Liquor Stores Association is hosting a Members Forum at the Flying Squadron Yacht Club on March 14, to allow mum and dad store owners ...
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LSA WA Welcomes WA Ministerial Reshuffle

The Liquor Stores Association of WA has welcomed Premier Roger Cook’s, Cabinet reshuffle. LSA WA CEO Peter Peck said the ministerial changes would enable the ...
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What started out as a passion for gin amongst five friends has now turned into a serious new player in the market. In the latest ...
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NO ONE DESERVES A SERVE | Tougher penalties for Scumbags

The Liquor Stores Association of  Western Australia has proudly supported a petition calling on tougher penalties to be imposed on offenders who violently assault retail ...
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PODCAST | The Copper and Oak Experience

It’s another exciting edition of the best podcast on all things liquor. On the latest episode of PACKAGED we delve deep into the roots of ...
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