WA Liquor Stores doing their bit to keep WA safe

QR code contact tracing

Well, what a week!

Our industry has a sense of déjà vu as we went back to forced closures and being deemed an essential service for packaged sales.

On Friday night at 6pm we slowly emerged out of lockdown with a few changes that will generate changes to your business.

The most pressing issues will be the QR Code and wearing of masks.

QR Contact Tracing


All outlets should have the SafeWA QR code displayed in each store.

Your obligation is to display the QR code and have the option of a paper based register.

When you greet a customer we suggest you ask if they have checked in. Most people will comply. In the event a person refuses then your obligation ends there.

You are not there to enforce the tracing system. Some people for whatever reason will not comply. Do not push the issue. The government has made it clear that if caught these people will risk a $1,000 on the spot fine or if they challenge it in court the penalty can increase up to $50,000.

Please remember safety is our principal focus, avoiding conflict with customers is paramount.

No Mask No Entry


This is clear cut. It is a legal requirement for every person in the Perth Metropolitan area and the Peel region. People who refuse to wear a mask are breaking the law and possibly putting you and your staff at risk. It is well within your right to refuse service.There are a small number of people who have a legitimate medical excuse to not wear a mask. These people should be carrying supporting documentation that they can produce.

When refusing a customer service keep it calm but firm. But once again if there is a fear that the situation may turn physical then do not allow it to escalate.

It is an Occupational Health and Safety issue for your workplace.

If you need assistance in these circumstances please call police to ensure your safety.

Also please ensure you have sanitiser available for customers to use and maintain physical distancing.

The contact tracing is now a fact of everyday life, and the masks should not be required (touch wood) by the 14th of February.

A reminder that all the latest COVID-19 information can be found on our dedicated page on the LSA WA website HERE

Remember we are here for you, our members so please contact us if you have any questions.


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