From Monday January 31, liquor store staff across Western Australia will have to check for proof of vaccinations for all customers entering their store.
The LSAWA has compiled a list of what stores and customers alike need to know, with a series of Frequently Asked Questions.
We have published the most common questions below.
Q: Who needs to check in and show proof of vaccination to a liquor store?
A: Anyone wishing to purchase a product from a liquor store (18+).
Q: Do staff have a right to ask for proof of vaccination?
A: Yes. Under the mandate there is an expectation that staff sight the proof of vaccination- either on a smart phone or a hard copy at either the point of entry or at the point of sale.
Q: What if a customer doesn’t have a proof of vaccination certificate on their phone?
A: If a customer is not displaying a digital form of proof of vaccination, then a paper copy of the vaccination certificate coupled with a current form of photo ID must be shown to allow the purchase.
Q: What if a customer refuses to show their proof of vaccination?
A: Every person who enters the store is required to comply to show their proof of vaccination as per the State Emergency Act 2005. If someone becomes quarrelsome or troublesome, then under the Liquor Control Act, that person can be asked to leave.
Q: What if I own a “general store” and sell take-away food and liquor?
A: Proof of vaccination will have to be shown for the liquor component similarly when shopping at an IGA or ALDI store, where proof of vaccination will be required for any liquor sales.
Q: What about drive-through stores? Will proof of vaccination be required?
A: Yes, Under the mandate, the purchaser (inside the vehicle) will have to show proof of vaccination.
Q: What about click and collect orders? Can a customer just pick up their order from the store if they are unvaccinated.
A: No. The customer must show proof of vaccination.
Q: Does proof of vaccination need to be shown for same day deliveries/ general home deliveries?
A: No. There is no requirement for proof of vaccination to be shown for online home deliveries.
Q: What about mask exemptions? Do people have to show their exemption for a face covering mask?
A: Yes, anybody who claims they are exempt from wearing a mask must provide:
- A medical certificate;
- A letter from their doctor;
- Or a signed letter from a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider
The above must be shown together with a recognised photo ID such as a drivers licence or passport.
Q: I have staff who are unvaccinated. Can they still work at my store?
A: Under the mandate all unvaccinated liquor store staff must receive their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination by January 31. They can still work after this date if the single dose has been administered and have booked for a second dose to be administered by the end of February.
Q: What about visitors to my store, such as couriers or delivery drivers who are dropping off supplies and must enter my store. Do they need to be vaccinated?
A: No. If they are delivering supplies or goods on an adhoc basis (once a week) then proof of vaccination is not required.
Q: What messaging or signage can we use to ensure customers are aware they must show proof of vaccination prior to entering the store?
A: The LSA WA has designed a toolkit of signs and downloadable posters that can be found on this page to assist businesses.
You can also find an updated FAQ list on the government website HERE