PODCAST | Tony Buti: The BIG Interview

On the latest instalment of our popular podcast series “PACKAGED” we chat to the new Minister for Racing, Gaming and Liquor, Dr Tony Buti.

Born in Collie and raised in Armadale, this rare interview offers insight into how a State Government Minister started out as a sports teacher then turned to practising law (and even dabbled as an AFL player agent) before deciding to run for state politics.

For the last 12 years Minister Buti has represented the electorate of Armadale and when he’s not dealing with political issues, he still manages to find time to write thought-provoking books- including his latest one about his daughter Alkira who was born with cri du chat syndrome, a rare genetic disorder caused by a chromosomal abnormality.

Minister Buti speaks openly with the LSAWA’s Peter Kapsanis (pictured above) about the challenges of raising a child with a disability and “striking  a balance” between work and play, including one of his main passions – football- the round ball kind of course!

We hope you enjoy listening to this latest podcast as as much as we did producing it.

Dr Tony Buti launches BDR in Kalgoorlie

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