Offenders must be dealt with at the first offence

The Liquor Stores Association of WA has urged the state government to act on repeat offenders facing low level stealing offences at the first strike NOT the third.

While the LSA congratulates the Cook Government’s effort to apply jail time for repeat offenders who steal, often targeting small family-owned businesses, Association CEO Peter Peck said it was disappointing that the measures were aimed at the third offence not the first.

“These repeat offenders need to have consequences after committing their first offence. I don’t see why we drag it out and try to scare them with jail time after their third.”

“If the government wants to change people’s behaviour and protect small business there needs to be a plan in place, whether it be involuntary counselling or involuntary rehabilitation to ensure offenders are cognisant of their actions and the consequences that follow” Mr Peck added.

“We commend the government on widening the scope to apply stronger penalties, but we would like to see tougher action taken at the first-time when offenders appear in court.”

To read the state government’s full statement click HERE.

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