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FRESH PODCAST | The New Lion in The Den
Danny Connolly is the new face for Lion in Western Australia and has literally hit the ground running. After a nine year absence from his

FRESH PODCAST | The Quiz that measures your drinking IQ
Diageo is a global leader across spirits and beer and prides itself on building brands that are relevant now and respected forever. Embedded within that

SAVE THE DATE : The LSA Awards are back for 2023
(Article courtesy of the The Shout News) The Liquor Stores Association of Western Australia (LSA WA) will hold its 28th annual Liquor Industry Awards on 13

FRESH PODCAST | A new era for the Yukich family
It’s nearly a 100 years since Nikola Yukich planted the family’s first vines in the Swan Valley after emigrating from Croatia in 1924. Since then,

The Liquor Stores Association of Western Australia would like to congratulate Premier Mark McGowan on his outstanding commitment to public service, following his decision today

FRESH PODCAST | Here comes the sun
In the latest edition of our popular podcast “Packaged”, we are joined by Mark Graubner from WA Energy who shares light on how WA liquor stores can save

FRESH PODCAST | 2023 Budget Breakdown
In the latest edition of Packaged, we talk to Jason Marocchi from GRA Partners, a West Perth based government relations and communications advisory firm. Mr Marocchi

Meet your new LSA WA Board
There’s recently been a change in personnel within the board of the Liquor Stores Association of WA. Michael Cartwright is the newest addition to the

Banned Drinkers Register is the right move for Carnarvon
The Liquor Stores Association of Western Australia has applauded the State Government’s move to fast track the roll out of a Banned Drinkers Register trial

PODCAST | The Kings of Fremantle
On the latest edition of “Packaged” we catch up with the Beeson brothers from Old Bridge Cellars in Fremantle. Jay and Toby Beeson’s family bought

Sundowner on the Swan 2023
It’s back for 2023. After the success of our last Sundowner on the Swan, hundreds of members are set to gather on the banks of

LSA welcomes Police Commissioner’s support for a BDR trial in Perth
The Liquor Stores Association of Western Australia has welcomed WA Police Commissioner Cole Blanch’s support for a Banned Drinkers Register (B-D-R) to be trialled in