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PODCAST | Getting paid to stop burying millions of dollars into landfill
Did you know Western Australians bury containers worth 100-million dollars to landfill every year? We are literally throwing money into the ground every day. In

PODCAST | How BDR technology is leading global change
The Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) is now in full swing across the northern half of Western Australia. Perth based technology company Scantek has been at

Kimberley Banned Drinkers Register Rollout completed
Customers in the Kimberley who want to buy take-away alcohol from Broome to Kununurra must show a valid form of photo ID, which is scanned

PODCAST | How WA’s Industrial Manslaughter Laws Affect Your Store
With the recent changes to Western Australia’s industrial manslaughter changes now in full effect, the consequences for a liquor store owner are quite significant. In

PODCAST | Murray Reid: It’s “all good” at Good Drinks Australia
In the latest instalment of “Packaged” we speak to Murray Reid, Regional Sales Manager from Good Drinks Australia. After starting out as a bartender during

A changing of the guard at LSAWA
A fresh face has joined the board of the Liquor Stores Association of Western Australia to replace outgoing life member Laurie “The Larrikin” Hurley. Vikrant

PODCAST | A tribute to “Laurie the Larrikin”
In the latest instalment of our podcast “Packaged” we chat to an icon and institution of the Western Australian liquor industry. After realising “Sydney wasn’t

PODCAST | One-on-One with WA’s new Liquor Minister Reece Whitby
In the latest instalment of our podcast “Packaged” we chat to Western Australia’s new liquor Minister Reece Whitby for insight into his goals and aspirations

PODCAST | What’s your liquor store worth?
There’s been a busy exchange of liquor store owners across Western Australia in recent months and the man behind the action is our new corporate

Banned Drinkers Register launches in Broome
The Liquor Stores Association of Western Australia is confident the roll out of a Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) trial in the Kimberley will bring about

PODCAST: Liquor Stores play major role in BDR study
Liquor store owners and retailers in our north are being encouraged to share their experiences around the trial of the Banned Drinkers Register (BDR), as the first

PODCAST: The Cash Register that will save you dollars!
Did you know one of Western Australia’s best point-of-sale and cash register businesses are a corporate partner of the Liquor Stores Association of WA? In